If you have the time, everyone should check out and learn how to do geocaching. You can type that into google and your questions will be answered, but I will explain it anyway.
Geocaching is a worldwide scavenger hunt done out in the woods, on nature trails, or even on the sides of country roads. What you do is you download the app from the app store or google store and it will automatically find your location. Then little dots will come up on your phone that will show you where to go. You simply follow the trail and when you get close you need to open your eyes and look for something that you think isn't suppose to be their, most of the times its a hidden piece of tupperware that ranges in size. Once you find it, you open it up, sign your name to the logbook and then discreetly put it back. You then take out your phone, and log it as found and then move on to the next one.
There's hundreds of finds to be had in the Hudson valley alone, and millions set out all over the world, I probably didn't do to good of a job explaining this so simply if you like the outdoors and you have the time, download the app and get out there. Happy hunting.